Michele (Microgrid Hybrid Electrification) is a tool that performs multi-objective MILP optimization to define the optimal design of a hybrid microgrid. The optimal size of generators and storage systems is selected through an accurate modelling of all the components and a multi-year planning which accounts also for the degradation of the assets. A portfolio of possible solutions is provided to the decision maker, each characterized by different performances in terms of economic, environmental and social sustainability of the project. The multi-objective optimization is carried out with an improved version of AUGMECON2, including an online Pareto pruning algorithm, that dramatically improves the computational performances and the readability of the results.
Currently, a simplified version of Michele (cost minimization only, no asset degradation) is available as open-source Python tool in GitHub . The full version will be released soon.
M. Petrelli, D. Fioriti, A. Berizzi and D. Poli, “Multi-year planning of a rural microgrid considering storage degradation,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3020219